Choosing property with Feng Shui (4)


Basic guidelines for room allocation

The basic guidelines for room allocation come down to the application of the principles of Yin and Yang.

Active areas such as the main entrance or living room are predominantly Yang, as are all the parts of the property that have several openings (windows) and those that are on the front side of the building.

Rooms facing East, Southeast and South are also regarded as being more Yang, as they naturally receive more sunlight.

In the Yin parts of the property, the atmosphere is naturally calmer, so they are more suitable as bedrooms.

Yin areas are also more closed-in and have fewer windows (or smaller ones). Rooms that are in the most distant part of the property with respect to the main entrance are also more Yin in nature.

Typical Yin rooms have less light, and thus utility rooms and bathrooms are typical Yin rooms.

In regard to directions, North, Northwest and Northeast are considered to be more Yin.

Thus, matching the function of each room (sleeping, meeting guests, etc.) with its Yin/Yang quality, will definitely add to the overall balance and quality of life of those who live there.

Yin and Yang logic should be used for designing the property and also for arranging the furniture around the house. It is also often used in conjunction with the Ba Zhai and Fei Xing methods, and these methods…


Qi flow: room by room

When deciding how to allocate rooms in a house, one should be aware that not every room in a house is equally as important.

Without a doubt the most important room is the bedroom, as it is here that we spend a lot of time and it is also closely related to our health and wellbeing.


The kitchen follows, as this room contains the stove, the placement of which determines our vitality.

The living room, the dining room, and the study or home office are next, but the importance of each of these rooms depends on just how much they are used in real life.



This text was taken from Althea’s book: ‘A Course in Real Feng Shui’.

Copyright by Althea S.T.


Choosing property with Feng Shui (1)

Choosing property with Feng Shui (2)

Choosing property with Feng Shui (3)



A course in real feng shui

Awards: Mind-Body-Spirit Book Award, January 2018

Title: A Course in Real Feng Shui: Make Your Property Work for You, at All Times

Chapters: 10 (+Glossary+Appendices)

Pages: 340

Illustrations and tables: 200


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Price: 35$

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Approximate delivery time: 1-2 weeks for Europe; 2-4 weeks for the rest of the world


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Awards: MBS Book Awards of Europe, January 2018 

Title: A Course in Chinese Astrology: Reveal Your Destiny, Harness Your Luck with Four Pillars

Chapters: 10 (+Glossary+Appendix)

Pages: 270

Illustrations: 50

Tables: 50

Charts: 50

Case Studies: 9


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Price: 30$

Shipping: $17

Approximate delivery time: 1-2 weeks for Europe; 2-4 weeks for the rest of the world


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