Flying Stars Four Types of Charts


The Four Types of Flying Stars Charts

Most credible Feng Shui books have a chapter, or at least mentions, the Flying Stars.

The Flying Star system is not as old as other classical Feng Shui techniques; but it is very useful and easy to apply.

We typically use the Flying Stars methods to select, design, or improve properties.

The less known application of this system is for analyzing the prospects of each occupant dwelling in the specific property.


The four basic Flying Star charts

The four basic Flying Star charts display the patterns that define the potentials of a property.

Each of the four charts has a positive and negative side, but a common factor between them all is that they must be activated to tap into their full potential.

Some charts are naturally activated by the landforms, roads, water features, etc. – but most charts still need to be deliberately activated.


The four types of the Flying Stars charts (listed below) affect all occupants residing in the household, influencing their health, wealth, and relationships:

  1. Prosperous Facing, Prosperous Sitting

  2. Double Prosperous on Facing

  3. Reverse Facing, Reverse Sitting

  4. Double Prosperous on Sitting

* To learn more about real Feng Shui practice, and everything that makes a difference between a good and a great property, get yourself a limited hardcover copy of Althea’s awarded Feng Shui book: ‘A Course in Real Feng Shui’. To explore the book, click here. 

* To calculate the Flying Star chart of your property (free), click here. 


Feng Shui book review

“I am always on the lookout for new Feng Shui books to add to my collection. I must say I’m quite happy impressed with this book. It is so comprehensive and it reveals many of the secrets that I learned from taking expensive live Feng Shui classes that I had paid big bucks for in the past few years. This book is written so methodically that would make it easy for a beginner to follow and learn from. To me, this book has far greater value than the more expensive books from other authors that I have bought previously based on its contents and the level of knowledge it imparts to its readers. I almost signed up for an expensive online class offered by a famous classical Feng Shui master and I ‘m glad I didn’t because this book covers exactly the same topics which that online class offered. I saved almost $1950 by buying this book instead. If I am to teach a Feng Shui class in the future, I will definitely use this as my class textbook.”
Mila K.
(Amazon review)
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