Life Star 7

Life Star 7

General prospects

For Life Star 7 people, 2024 might be a demanding year. As things get complicated, they will have to adopt a stop-and-go strategy, keeping in mind that every endeavor now requires additional effort. Also, the lack of support might make these people feel lonely, especially the ones with a Dog or Rabbit in their Ba Zi chart. Therefore, Life Star 7 individuals should thread carefully through 2024, keeping a low profile and leaving big goals for the following year.


At this time, Life Star 7 individuals should avoid extreme sports and risky adventures, which is especially important for those with a Rabbit in their Ba Zi chart. Those with sensitive health should avoid sleeping in the West or Southeast of their home.


Since 2024 will likely stir up their relationship, Life Star7 people should be patient with their partner. The best strategy, love-wise, is to commit to settling the differences peacefully and with love.


Since their wealth luck will be unstable in 2024, Life Star 7 people should be careful and wise regarding spending and investments. In such a way, the best advice for them in the Wood Dragon year is to play safe and not touch what they already have.

*To find your Life Star, add the two last digits of your birth year (if you were born before February 4, take the previous year as your birth year) until you get a single number. Add 5 (or six if you were born from 2000 onwards) for females. For males, subtract from 10 (or nine if you were born from 2000 onwards).

Life Star 7


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Awards: MBS Book Awards of Europe, January 2018 

Title: A Course in Chinese Astrology: Reveal Your Destiny, Harness Your Luck with Four Pillars

Chapters: 10 (+Glossary+Appendix)

Pages: 270

Illustrations: 50

Tables: 50

Charts: 50

Case Studies: 9


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Price: 30$

Shipping: $17

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Schedule your Chinese Astrology Ba Zi consultation with Althea, because in life, there are so many ways to improve yourself and succeed!

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A good way to find out about your property’s Feng Shui is to consult or hire a personal Feng Shui advisor to review it and offer customized solutions and packages.

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We also offer Annual Feng Shui consultations, with tailor-made property activation dates!

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