Real estate tips

People often wonder how long it will take to sell a property with Feng Shui. Unfortunately, this question has no simple answer, as sale timing plays a crucial role. What helps is when a person is in their wealth luck, and favorable annual Stars influence the property. Additionally, a property currently in use is more likely to sell faster than one that has been vacant for an extended period.

Many clients often rely on my feng shui expertise when selling their properties.

To help them sell their properties faster, I use several techniques:

  1. Flying Stars (and other Stars) activation
  2. Client’s personal Wealth Stars activation
  3. Date Selection
  4. Na Yin
  5. Da Gua

Together with property activation, I often recommend that clients activate their personal wealth star at home (especially when they live in one place and want to sell the other). 

Flying Stars and other Stars’ activation

Regarding Flying Stars, there are many criteria for finding the most relevant Star(s).

This could be the Current Prosperity Star (#9) or a person’s Wealth Star. In addition, we can aim to activate a specific set of Flying Stars, like 3,6,9, 2,5,8, and 1,4,7.

Typically, activating the Current Prosperity Star takes a while because it’s related to a 20-year period. It is more efficient to use annual Flying Stars, especially when they are happily combined with monthly ones. 

The annual Feng Shui chart (read my text “Feng Shui for 2024”) provides information about the background energy for each of the eight locations throughout the year. One should also remember that triggering annual Stars requires more time than monthly Stars (at least 15 days). However, the activation can provide faster outcomes when annual and monthly Stars are strong (by season) and other Stars support them. 

Client’s personal Wealth Stars, Date Selection, Nobleman, Na Yin, and Da Gua

After activating the property, it’s essential to recognize and activate the client’s Wealth Star. This star is connected to the client’s Ba Zi chart and can also be associated with their home. We can also opt to activate the client’s Nobleman Star or the Nobleman of the house, which can attract help and benefit sales.

We use Na Yin as a separate system to activate or place a sales ad. It combines the Na Yin of the home, client, and date to achieve the best results.

My favorite method is Da Gua. It involves using a set of Hexagrams closely related to the sales, client, and home. Although it can be challenging to find the perfect match, it can work wonders once you do.

What can you do to help your home sell faster?

Selling a property is a time-consuming process that requires research to find the people to list the home and help you find a competitive price or sales conditions. While boosting sales with Feng Shui may seem simple, it involves understanding one’s Ba Zi chart and evaluating the property’s main features. We need the proper data to find the best ways to attract customers.

In addition to calculations and property activation by Feng Shui professionals, you can make some simple adjustments to improve the overall energy flow in your place and help boost sales. These adjustments improve the overall Qi flow.

Here are some tips for improving the energy flow in your place for faster sales:

Improve the overall flow of energy – Qi.

Focusing on the environment within our control should improve the flow of Qi inside and outside the house. (there is not much we can do to fix the wider environment)

Start from the entryway, pathways, and garden.

Regarding the environment surrounding our home, we should pay attention to the entryway, pathways, and gardens. An ideal entryway should be well-defined and accompanied by curving pathways instead of straight lines. Moreover, a well-maintained garden will act as a source of Qi in the immediate surroundings and can also help neutralize the sha qi energy.

Fix the mouth of Qi – the main entrance.

In Feng Shui, the main entrance is considered the Qi mouth, which is the point where the internal and external energy meet. An ideal main entrance should be open and well-lit, with clear boundaries proportionate to the property’s size. Tall trees or threatening structures should be avoided near the main entrance.

Enhancing the energy flow inside

An ideal Feng Shui setup for a property is when there is an open and bright area, known as a “Bright Hall,” upon entering. This area is essential as it creates the first impression about the property; properties that people perceive as warm and welcoming are easier to sell than the others.

Furniture arrangement is another crucial element to consider, as it can either conduct or block the flow of Qi energy. To promote the flow of Qi, it is best to leave a free space at the entrance of each room and ensure that there are no obstacles in the path from one room to another.

Lighting is also essential, particularly in spaces that face north. Since light is a form of energy, ensuring the space is well-lit, especially in corridors and staircases, is essential to boost energy levels and sales.

If you plan to include an aquarium or fountain in your space, be cautious if you lack experience with water activation. When placed incorrectly, water can cause damage and unexpected expenses for the owner. On the other hand, when placed in the right place at the best time, it can boost sales very quickly.

Strategically placed lights, mirrors, and pictures can make smaller spaces appear more prominent. While plants can help stabilize the Qi in larger properties, be cautious with smaller ones as they consume space, making them appear smaller.

While personalizing your space is desirable when moving into a new property, it is best to aim to depersonalize the home when preparing it for sale. Depersonalization will create more space for potential buyers to picture themselves living in such property.

Finally, spreading the word that a property has been “feng shuied” can benefit the seller. Properties with good Feng Shui are more popular and easier to sell – because everyone wants to live their best lives.

For Ba Zi Chinese astrology posts, visit altheachineseastrology.com


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