Feng Shui vs. Creativity in 2024

Each year, specific locations stand out for helping you to find inspiration and become more creative. 

You don’t need to activate these locations physically (with water or in other ways); one can benefit from them just by spending time there.  

The locations that stand out in 2024 for their potential to inspire us and help us find ideas or solutions are the following ones: 

  1. EAST  

Regarding the East, it is an excellent area for those in education, art, research, and writing.  

Southwest will fill you with inspiration and ideas, while Northeast will help you to express yourself creatively. 

Regarding the Northwest, this is the right area for those who want to complete their projects and for individuals who desire to do something creative with others.  



A course in real feng shui

Awards: Mind-Body-Spirit Book Award, January 2018

Title: A Course in Real Feng Shui: Make Your Property Work for You, at All Times

Chapters: 10 (+Glossary+Appendices)

Pages: 340

Illustrations and tables: 200


This is the only Feng Shui book you’ll ever need! That’s why we made it in hardcover – it’s always going to be open!


Price: 35$

Shipping: $18

Approximate delivery time: 1-2 weeks for Europe; 2-4 weeks for the rest of the world


Take advantage of this offer now!


To explore the contents of this Feng Shui book simply follow the link: bit.ly/FENGBOOK

a course in chinese astrology ba zi

Awards: MBS Book Awards of Europe, January 2018 

Title: A Course in Chinese Astrology: Reveal Your Destiny, Harness Your Luck with Four Pillars

Chapters: 10 (+Glossary+Appendix)

Pages: 270

Illustrations: 50

Tables: 50

Charts: 50

Case Studies: 9


This is the only Chinese Astrology book you’ll ever need! 


Price: 30$

Shipping: $17

Approximate delivery time: 1-2 weeks for Europe; 2-4 weeks for the rest of the world


Take advantage of this offer now!


To explore the contents of the Chinese Astrology book simply follow the link: bit.ly/ASTROBOOK


What do we really know about Love? What does Chinese Astrology has to say about your Self and the ways it loves? About your Love Luck? 


Look for this and other Althea’s books on Amazon, to get invaluable insights and empower your life.


A good way to find out about your property’s Feng Shui is to consult or hire a personal Feng Shui advisor to review it and offer customized solutions and packages.

We provide consultations for your Residential and Business property and also have special, tailor-made packages for Property Developers and Investors.

We also offer Annual Feng Shui consultations, with tailor-made property activation dates!

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