Every year, unique locations emerge that can bring remarkable benefits to our lives.
These particular spots change yearly and can enhance our well-being and prosperity simply by being in active areas, such as the location of the front door or living room with a broad view and large windows. In these cases, everyone benefits without needing to take any additional steps.
However, there are times when we need to engage with these locations to unlock their full potential actively. This might involve placing water or a fan in the area, ideally on a specific day, to harness the positive energy. Understanding and utilizing these special locations can create environments that support the residents’ particular goals, as represented by the four special stars.
The four special areas of 2025 are the following:
Regarding the Tai Yang Star, you should activate its area when you need more energy or desire a more active life. It can also help combat stagnation and clear up energy after illness, disputes, losses, and bad luck, allowing you to reset the home’s energy and start fresh. The best way to activate this star is with – Fire Element.
The Tai Yin Star’s location might be a good choice for activation if you want to improve relationships, especially with family members. This Star is particularly promising for females; Fire Element is the best way to activate it.
As for the other two Stars, 2025 is not the right time to activate any star in the Northeast, so skipping this activation is better. However, you are advised to activate the North with water to improve your luck in general, particularly your wealth luck.
For more information about the Five Elements and the types of activations, refer to my Kindle “Space Clearing for Your Home and Soul.”
To read this and other posts on the website, follow the link: www.altheafengshui.com/blog
To read more about the luck of the 12 zodiac signs in 2025, download the Chinese Astrology Guide 2025.
To learn more about your Feng Shui in 2025, download the free Feng Shui Guide for 2025.